Our Weekly Services are Livestreamed and Uploaded to YouTube

We continue to Live Stream Our Services: every Sunday. (11:00 AM at St John’s). To attend virtually you simply go to our YouTube address https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgOsKQp1KCbqAVrLrgByW_g and wait for the picture of the inside of the church to have the word LIVE, click on the image and you will be at the service.

The service will also be posted on YouTube later that day for anyone not able to attend.  Note: we will be posting the entire unedited service and to view you can always fast forward portions if you wish.  With a computer and internet connection, anyone will now be able to join the service remotely while it is going on in the church!!!!

As an important member of our community, we are anxious that this is a meaningful opportunity for you to worship each week. If we can be helpful in other ways, please do not hesitate to ask.

Many Blessings to you all.