Blessings to one and all for a Happy New Year and a joyous Epiphany Season as we celebrate the enduring light born into the world in Jesus who manifests the presence of God with us. I trust that you all were able to celebrate Christmas and New Years with friends and family and in the midst of the hustle and bustle of preparations, you were able to find some time for rest and renewal.

A new year inevitably brings with it a time for reflection and the possibility of new beginnings. Next month, I will mark the 12th anniversary of my election to serve as the 12th bishop of our great diocese. It has been an immense privilege and honour to serve the people of our diocese over these years, but after prayer and reflection, I believe the time has come for new episcopal leadership. Subsequently, I have informed Archbishop Anne Germond that I intend to resign the office of Bishop of Ontario, effective upon the installation of my successor and have asked her to begin the process of convening an electoral synod.

In composing this letter, I have reflected upon the years since my election, consecration and installation in 2011. Together, we have faced challenges, seized opportunities, rejoiced together and grieved together. I have been immensely blessed by the dedicated staff I have worked with over these years along with the faithful clergy who serve the people committed to their care while stepping up to serve the wider diocese and other levels of the church to further the Mission of Christ. Last, but by no means least, the faces of so many faithful lay folk come to my mind, people whose Christian discipleship and duty is lived out every day in prayer, work and stewardship. You all have enriched and blessed my life along with the life of our church and it is my honour and joy to serve as your bishop.

In conversation with Archbishop Germond, we have discussed a tentative date for the episcopal election to be held on Saturday, April 29th, subject to the concurrence of the Synod Council, with the consecration to follow on June 24th, the Feast of St. John the Baptist. This will allow for our bishop elect to be present at the diocesan synod on May 26th-28th and to attend General Synod in Calgary at the end of June as the new diocesan bishop.

Please be assured of my prayers as the months unfold leading up to the election and consecration of our new bishop. Please hold our diocese in your prayers as the Holy Spirit begins to stir the hearts of those who may sense a call to episcopal leadership and for the lay and clerical synod delegates who will begin to discern who they feel will serve the Mission of Christ in episcopal leadership in our midst.

Almighty God, giver of all good gifts, look on your church with grace, and guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this diocese, that we may receive a faithful servant who will care for your people and support us in our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Yours in the Service of Christ,

Bishop Michael Oulton

165 Ontario Street, Suite 4&5 | Kingston | ON K7L 2Y6
(613) 544-4774

Anglican Diocese of Ontario
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Journal
Anglican Communion
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