What should you expect when you come to a service at Your Anglican Church (St John’s or Holy Trinity). First, come as you are. People will be wearing casual clothing, or suits, skirts or pants. Almost anything except bathing suits!
You may hear the bell ring immediately prior to the 9:00 service at Holy Trinity and at the 11.00 a.m. service at St John’s the bell is usually rung about 10 minutes before the service starts. You will be welcomed at the door. After the service a light lunch and refreshments are part of a time for fellowship held in the parish halls.
The Eucharist or Holy Communion services are led by our priest and Morning Prayer by one of our team of lay readers.
The green Book of Alternative Services (BAS) is used. Sit anywhere you’d like. The best view and sound (especially if you are hard-of-hearing) is in the front half of the church. At St. John’s, the choir and clergy will process into the church from the front right. A crucifer (a person carrying the cross) leads the procession. At both churches, when the crucifer enters the church, everyone stands if they are able to. Hymns are sung throughout the service lead by our organists and by the choir at St Johns. Do join in!
Instructions about standing, sitting and kneeling are provided throughout the service but the best way to deal with this is to do what everyone else is doing. Part way through the service, the priest or lay reader will offer a sermon or homily.
During Holy Communion services, the elements of bread and wine are brought to the altar by one of the servers who assist the priest while the offering is taken by sides-people who pass collection plates along the pews.
The priest and lay assistants (ordinary parishioners) and choir are given bread and wine first. Then the priest will invite everyone to come forward to the communion rail at the front of the church to receive the bread and wine. You can stand or kneel at the railing. All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Bread is given first, then wine. In our Diocese, we don’t dip the wafer/bread in the wine. (In some Dioceses this is allowed.) If you don’t wish to have wine, you can leave the railing or just cross your arms in front of you. If you’d like to be blessed, rather than have communion, just cross your arms in front of you.
When everyone has had communion there is a prayer and blessing given by the priest. A hymn closes the formal part of the service. The social part is in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome. Please do take a moment to introduce yourself to the priest or lay reader, tell them where you’re from and your name. We are delighted to have you with us!