Dear Friends,

Last night was a very difficult night for our church. Following the vote at General Synod regarding changes to the Marriage Canon to make possible the provision of equal marriage, the motion was defeated, having not received the required 2/3 majority vote in the House of Bishops. The resolution had been passed by the laity and the clergy present with 80% and 73% of the votes respectively while only 62% of the bishops present supported the change.

There is significant pain among many members of our Church tonight, both for those present at General Synod and those who have been watching the proceedings across the country. Tonight, people will gather together, support one another, pray for each other and look to facing the challenges of tomorrow. The church and indeed our lives are in the hands of the loving Spirit of God who comforts, consoles and illuminates the way forward.

The General Synod delegates from the Diocese of Ontario and I gathered together following the vote, prayed with each other and prayed for the people we are called to represent here in Vancouver and for those who are deeply disappointed and distressed, both here and back home as well as across the country. We are so appreciative that you have been holding us in your prayers. We are leaning into them now as we prepare for the remainder of synod.

Following General Synod, I will have a more fulsome response to the decisions made here and what that will mean as we seek to serve the mission of Jesus Christ within our diocese. For now, the General Synod delegates and I want to assure you of our love and prayers. Saint Julian of Norwich prayed that “all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” I am holding onto that prayer today and will be in the days ahead as we continue to chart our way forward at General Synod.

May the peace of Christ enfold you and your loved ones today and always.

Yours in the love of Christ.